Monday, December 6, 2010

What's in a title

To my Bully...F.U., what does it mean? Not what you think although those of you who have been bullied I am sure went right to that place, I mean Forgive You, as in I forgive you, its because of you that I am who I am today. It may not have felt that way during those during those dark days when your taunts of FAGGOT, HOMO, C*cksucker, Pipe smoker were circling my head everyday, but you helped shaped me into the strong, successful, proud gay man I am today. I moved above you to understand your insecurity, your need to focus attention away from your own short comings. Anyhow for those of you how may want to follow, I will cronicle my story from the beginning, through my life, read like a bad country song, til now and I am not a big country fan so it kind of hurts to type that.

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